Thursday 3 November 2016

OMG! Read What Happened To This School Children On Their Way To School

The photos below shows the most dangerous and painful deaths of our time in the rural Makeni city, Northern Province of Sierra Leone.
The pictures below show a wooden stick crossing bridge used by community children to cross over to attend schools in other communities as there is no school in their communities. According to the community people, many school children using this bridge has fall victim. Pictures below shows another accident that took place recently when crossing over. 

The community elders, school authorities and their people are requesting for the construction of such bridge to avoid more accidents. This has caused delayed schooling and more absenteeism from schools. Interested compassionate supporters are welcome to visit the site and see the need for such project. If you have any link in your network, please use that, to help save the lives of children and their community people. If we are going to meet the new SDG's, then this community should NOT be left BEHIND. Please pass on this information to everyone, to come together and have this bridge constructed. PLEASE TAKE ACTION TODAY!!! No One even this community SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND!!!

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